Condominium directors hold important positions with many responsibilities, and so it is crucial that they receive training to assist them in governing the condominium and carrying out their responsibilities.
The Condominium Authority of Ontario provides compulsory training to all condo directors in Ontario. It is mandatory for all directors to complete the training within six months of being appointed, elected, or re-elected unless they have completed the training within the preceding seven years. Under Section 29(2)(e) of the Condominium Act, 1998, if a director does not complete the training within six months, that director will be automatically disqualified and will immediately cease to be a director. There are no exceptions to this.
However, if a director is disqualified, they could be re-appointed by the remaining directors under Section 34(2) of the Act as long as the person has completed the director training prior to being appointed (and quorum of the Board remains). As with all appointments to fill vacancies, this appointment will only be in effect until the next annual general meeting.
It is best practice to complete the mandatory director training as soon as possible to avoid any potential problems.
Don’t forget about the requirements relating to information certificate updates when there is a change in the directors and officers on the Board. Changes trigger an obligation for corporations to send an ICU within 30 days.