Many Condominium Corporations are thinking about the health and safety of their residents, especially those communities in which there is an aging population. There are many steps that a board of a condominium can take to assist residents in improving…
Denise Lash in the latest issue of Condominia Magazine
Denise Lash’s most recent column in Condominia Magazine lets potential condo buyers know of the safeguards that have been put into place to protect condo purchasers in Ontario. Here is a snippet: Tarion Warranty Corporation (formerly the Ontario New Home…
Developer Lawsuit Prevents Sale
In the first few years of a newly created condominium corporation the owner elected board will try to resolve issues dealing with building deficiencies, the developer’s warranties and representations made in disclosure statements by the developer. In certain instances, a…
How to remove the Administrator of a Condominium
In part one and part two of this blog topic, we discussed the circumstances in which a court will appoint an administrator to take over the management of a dysfunctional condominium corporation. This post will deal with how and when…
Luxury Condo and Disaster Protection
In a recent post, we blogged about a developer who is developing a condominium comprised of safety deposit units. So far, that appears to be the smallest size unit that we have encountered. Now there is a developer in the…
Condo Corporation’s Duty to Repair After Damage
Section 89 of the Condominium Act provides that it is the Corporation’s duty to repair the units and common elements after damage, excluding improvements made to a unit, unless otherwise set out in the Corporation’s declaration (as contemplated in Section…
Pets in Condos: Another Condo Pet Eviction
Pet owners in condominiums who fail to familiarize themselves with the condominium’s restrictions on pets, or who blatantly ignore these restrictions, do so at the risk of having a court order that the pet be permanently removed from the property.…
Condo Directors Held Personally Liable For Legal Costs
The Condominium Act (the “Act”) has several provisions (sections 85, 134(5) and 135(3) which place the financial burden of obtaining compliance orders on those responsible for the non-compliance, thus relieving innocent owners of this financial burden. There are numerous reported…
Perils of Refusing to Mediate
Section 132(4) of the Condominium Act (the “Act”) provides that every declaration shall be deemed to contain a provision that the corporation and owners agree to submit a disagreement with respect to the declaration, by-laws or rules to mediation and…
Should the board consult the owners before implementing changes ? (Part III)
In our previous posts on this topic, we looked at the level of consultation required when the board contemplates renovation to the condominium or changes to the services provided to the owners. Last post dealt specifically with the kind of…