Luxury Condominium at the Berlin Wall

It was recently reported that protesters prevented construction workers from removing one of the last remaining…

Does the Tarion Appeal Process Prevent a Condominium from Commencing a Civil Action?

We are often asked by condominium corporations whether an appeal of Tarion’s final decision letter…

Breaking Glass- Condo Balconies

The hottest news item concerning condominiums is the recent rash of glass railings on balconies…

Have You Looked at Your Rules Lately?

                                                                   Many condominium corporations still have in place the developer’s standard rules. Developer rules tend to…

Tarion Overhaul of Major Structural Defect Procedures

Tarion has introduced significant changes to the major structural defect claims process. These changes will…

Class Action Lawsuits Against Condo Developers

Last August we blogged about several incidents of breaking glass on balcony railings in some…

Toronto Considers Substantial Increases to Condominium Development Fees

If you’ve purchased a preconstruction condominium in Toronto that has yet to close, take a…

Initial Board Allowed to Limit Developer’s Liability – Recent Court of Appeal Decision

Can the initial board of directors appointed by a condo developer turn around and insulate…

Denise Lash Quoted in the Toronto Star

Purchasers who put down pre-construction deposits for the Kingsclub condo complex on King St. W.…

Using Trade Names, Logos and Slogans

Many condominium corporations use the trade name, logo and/or slogans of their condominium site that…