Hoarding in Condos

Many corporations have experienced their fair share of “messy” residents whose units look similar to…

Do Shared Facilities Managers need to be Licensed?

As of November 2017, with the establishment of the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario…

Out with the Old and In with the New

Preliminary Notice and Notice of Meeting: On May 1, 2018, the Ministry of Government and…

Filing Transitional Returns

As many are aware, the amendments to the Condominium Act require condo corporations to file…

SAVE THE DATE: February 28 – CAI Canada’s Guide to the Amended Condo Act Seminar!

Looking to find out more about the Amended Condo Act and Regulations? Look no further!…

Proxies – The Don’ts and Do’s for Managers

Many new provisions in the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (“CMSA”) are coming into force…


Remember this date: January 29, 2018! You must submit your licence application by this date…

Ontario Government Designates Education Requirements for Condominium Manager Licence

Starting November 1, 2017, all condominium managers have 90 days to apply for a licence…

Proposed Condo Manager Licensing Fees – Public Comment Sought

  The Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (“CMRAO”) is seeking public comment on proposed…

Denise Lash’s Article on Licensing of Condo Managers

Denise Lash’s article on mandatory licensing of condo managers was featured in CCI Golden Horseshoe’s…