Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting- Extended Until May 31, 2021

On October 2, 2020, the Government of Ontario issued O. Reg 541/20 under the Condominium…

Condo Hybrid Meetings

Over the past few weeks there has been lots of discussion among board members and…

Virtual AGM’s and Owners Meetings- How does Voting Work?

The Voting Process-Electronic Voting Now that condo corporations are doing virtual meetings, many managers, board…

Important Announcement – Condo AGM’s- the dates are here!

Premier Doug Ford has now declared that July 24th was the end of the emergency…

Bare-Bones Standard Unit By-law for Condo Corporations

Over the past year, there has been significant discussion within the condominium industry regarding the…

Condo AGM Notice of Meeting Packages- Items to Include

In November 2017, the Condominium Act was amended, and various mandated forms were introduced at…

Understanding Virtual Owners Meetings and Electronic Voting for Condos

Over the past few months, many condominium corporations have put their owners’ meetings on hold…

Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting for Condo AGM’s -Bill 190

Last week we were recommending postponing AGMs in accordance with the April 24th Order in Council. …

Virtual Meeting and Electronic Voting By-Law for Condominiums

Ontario’s Order in Council (the “Order”) allows condominium corporations to host virtual meetings during the…

COVID 19- Webinar- Virtual AGMs, Electronic Voting and the Order in Council- April 29th

Episode 7  webinar is scheduled for WEDNESDAY April 29 at 5 pm (Eastern time). Topics:  Legal Enigma The province…